Situational Awareness 100 Mcq Question With solution Pdf Download

Odisha Police Constable Exam 2023 

Situational Awareness Best 100 Question Situation Awareness is an important topic for Odisha District police Constable. In this topic, you are given one situation and asked you to choose a suitable reaction for that situation. This topic is not more difficult, you just need to understand this topic . 

1. After a purchase, the shopkeeper returns ₹ 100 extra to you. You will

A. Treat your friends to a lunch

B. Offer ₹ 20 at a temple and pray for more such instance

C. Hope he will give another ₹ 100 extra

D. Return the extra money to the shopkeeper

Ans:- D

2. Your maid has invited you to her daughter’s wedding, you would

A. Completely ignore her

B. Attend the wedding

C. Buy a gift for her daughter and help in wedding

D. Congratulate her and make up some excuse for not being able to attend

Ans:- C

3. You are a member of the sports team of your college. One day due to misunderstanding, other members stop talking to you. You

A. Ask someone to mediate

B. Wait till they come and start talking again

C. Keep to yourself and let things take their time for improving

D. Go forward and start talking

Ans:- D

4.You are a guest at a dinner. The host asks you to take one more chapatti after your stomach is full. You would

A. Make a bad face at him

B. Take the chapatti

C. Politely say that the food was too good and you have already eaten much

D. Make a blunt refusal

Ans:- C

5.Your colleague is not performing his duties upto the mark. You will

A. Just do your part of the duties and enjoy your work

B. Take advantage of it to promote yourself

C. Report to the seniors

D. Try and handle his customers to maintain the company’s status


6.You are getting late for your college final term exam and the bus is not available. In such a situation you will _______________.

A. Not give your exam and return home.

B. Wait patiently for the bus though you are late for the exam.

C. Take a cab or an auto to reach your college.

D. Start walking.


7. Ram was appointed as the Captain of the football team but other players were against his appointment. He __________.

A. Will try to convince them and play the match.

B. Will start fighting with his teammates who are against him.

C. Will play so good, that his teammates will start respecting him.

D. Will give up his captaincy.

Ans:- C

8.You and your friends are by the beach and are planning on doing some water sports. However, neither of you knows how to swim and there is only one safety jacket. You will

A. Neither of you will wear the safety jacket and will do the water sports

B. Wait for the next turn and will give the jacket to your friend

C. Go with your friend but not wear the safety jacket and offer it to him

D. Ask your friend not to go for swimming

Ans:- B

9.You have made a dinner reservation for 8 PM with your family. Your mother is always late when getting ready and is never on time. You will

A. Tell her that the dinner reservation is for 8 PM

B. Tell her that the dinner reservation is for 7 PM

C. Tell her to be ready before 8 PM

D. Tell her to be ready at 8 PM


10.You are in the lift and your floor has arrived, the lift door does not open. There is no network on the phone to call anyone. You have pressed the help button in the lift.

A. Search for a network on your phone to call for help

B. Panic and start shouting

C. Calm down and wait for help to arrive

D. Try to open the door

Ans:- C

11.All the hard work done by you at your workplace is hijacked by one of your colleagues, who is a good friend of yours. You will :

A. Start praising about your work yourself.

B. Leave the job.

C. Criticise him in front of other colleagues.

D. Continue hard work as hard work always pays.


12.You are in a bus. The bus reaches your stop but still you have not purchased the ticket because of heavy rush. What will you do ?

A. Jump out quickly to avoid embarrassment

B. Call the conductor give him the money and get the ticket

C. Hand the money to someone sitting nearby to give it to the conductor

D. Give the money to the driver

Ans:- B

13.While travelling in a train, you observe some college students pulling the alarm chain simply to get down at their desired point. You would

A. With the help of some passengers, check them from doing so

B. Let them pull the chain but check them from detraining

C. Inform the guard of the train as soon as it stops

D. Keep quiet and do nothing

Ans:- A

14.Your friend has lost his/her purse with your important documents in it. You would

A. Feel angry but do not react as anyone can make mistakes

B. Feel angry and ask him/her to replace/duplicate the documents.

C. Understand the situation and tell him/her that it’s ok and not to worry about it

D. Blame him/her for being careless and stop talking to him/her

Ans:- A & D

15.After your graduation, you are offered a well paid Government job. However, your friend says that you have to pay bribe to get the appointment order. You

A. Go to some influential politician who can help

B. Accept the job by paying the bribe, consoling yourself that this is the present social setup

C. Accept the job by paying the bribe but firmly resolve that this is the last time you will pay bribe

D. Flatly refuse the offer

Ans:- D

16.You are driving your car on the road when you hit against a fruit vendor’s cart. You would

A. Escape from the site by driving away

B. Abuse the fruit vendor for putting his cart on the way

C. Pay the fruit vendor for the damage done to him

D. Insist that it was not your fault

Ans:- C

17.A train is coming and you are standing at the station. Suddenly you notice that the railways track is broken. You will

A. Inform the authority to take necessary action

B. Leave the station

C. Use some means to stop train immediately

D. None of the above

Ans:- C

18.While travelling in your car, certain persons stop you on the way asking you to take an injured child to the hospital. You would

A. Ask them to leave your way and then drive away

B. Ask them to first call the police

C. Immediately take the child to hospital

D. Get out of the car and ask some other person to help


19.You are playing football in a park. When you kick the ball, it strikes and breaks the windows pane of a nearby house. You would

A. Demand your ball back form the house owner

B. Say that it was no fault of yours

C. Stealthily get your ball back

D. Apologise to the house owner and contribute to replace the glass

Ans:- D

20.You are playing in your friend’s house, when he gets stuck with a naked electric wire. You would :

A. Hold him by the arms and try to set him free.

B. Hold the wire and pull it away.

C. Pull off the wire with a wooden stick.

D. Send for the doctor.


21.You are a guest at a dinner. The host asks you to take one more chapati after your stomach is full. You would :

A. Make a blunt refuse.

B. Take the chapati.

C. Politely say that the food was too good and you have already eaten much.

D. Make a bad face at him.

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