OPSC ASO Exam Morden History Practice Question set


Morden History Practice Question for OPSC ASO 

Who started the first English newspaper in India?

A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

B. Raja Rammohan Roy

C. J.A. Hickey

D. Lord William Bentinck

 Ans :- C J.A Hickey  

1. By the Act of 1858, India was to be governed
A. By the Company
B. In the name of the Crown
C. By a Board of Directors
D. In the name of Governor-General of India

 Ans :- B

2. The Ghadar Party was founded (November 1913) at San Francisco USA by
A. Madam Bhikaji Cama
B. Lala Har Dayal
C. Shyamji Krishana Verma
D. Both (a) and (b) above


Ans :- B

3. The Poona Pact (1932) was an agreement between

A. Nehru and Ambedkar

B. Gandhi and Ambedkar

C. Mc Donald and Ambedkar

D. Gandhi and Nehru


Ans :- B

4. The Prime causes of the 1857 mutiny did not include

A. The new system of education

B. The Widow Remarriage Act

C. The despatch of Indian Sepoys to Afghanistan

D. Laws forbidding intermarriages between Indians and the British



Ans :- D 

5.Who had founded the Deccan Educational Society?

A. Dadabhai Naoroji

B. CR Das

C. Swami Vivekananda

D. Mahadeva Govind Ranade


Ans :- D

6. The Sepoy Mutiny broke out on May 10, 1857 at __________

A. Meerut

B. Gwalior

C. Jhansi

D. Agra


Ans :- A

7.Who was the Chairman of the Partition Council ?

A. .M.A. Jinnah

B. Jawaharlal Nehru

C. Lord Mountbatten

D. V.P. Menon


Ans :- C

8. As per the Act of 1919, the Council of India would consist of a minimum of 8 and a maximum of __________ members

A. 15

B. 12

C. 10

D. 20


Ans :- B

9.Mahatma Gandhi had been joined the Champaran struggle by

A. Vallabhbhai Patel and Vinoba Bhave

B. Rajendra Prasad and Anugraha Narayan Sinha

C. Mahadev Desai and Maniben Patel

D. Rajendra Prasad and Jawaharlal Nehru


Ans :- B

10. Which of the following was not contained in the Cripps Offer?

A. Dominion Status to India

B. Constituent Assembly

C. Control of Defence of India by the Indian National Government

D. Right to take part in highest Counsels



11.Which of the following statement is incorrect about the Act of 1919?

A. British India must an integral part of the British Empire

B. Responsible government would be realised only by progressive stages

C. Provincial subjects were classified into reserved subjects ; transferred subjects

D. The salary of the Secretary of State for India was drawn out of the revenues of Indian government


Ans:- D

12.In which year was Burma separated from India?

A. 1863

B. 1902

C. 1937

D. 1947


Ans:- 1937

13. Mahatma Gandhi compared Pherozeshah Mehta with the Himalayas, Tilak with the Ocean and Gokhale with
A. the Sky
B. the Ganges
C. the Gangotri
D. the Mansarovar Lake

Ans :- The Gangas

14.Which of the following statements about the Government of India Act of 1935 is not correct?

A. Diarchy was established in the provinces

B. The Viceroy was given special powers

C. The federal executive was to consist of the Viceroy councillors and the ministers

D. The federal legislature was to be bicameral


Ans :- A

15.Where did the so-called ‘Black Hole Tragedy’ take place ?

A. Daccan

B. Monghyr

C. Calcutta

D. Murshidabad


Ans:- Calcutta

16.The landmarks or Dalhousie’s administration did not include

A. Indian Railways

B. English as the medium of instruction

C. Public works department

D. Telegraph


Ans:- B  

17.The Permanent settlement introduced by Cornwallis is in Bengal is known

A. Roytwari System

B. Mahalwari System

C. Zamindari System

D. Iqtadari System

Ans:- C

18.The office of Governor-General of India was created by the

A. Government of India Act 1833

B. Government of India Act 1858

C. Charter Act 1833

D. Charter Act 1813


Ans:- Charter Act 1833

19.On October 16, 1905, when the partition of Bengal was enforced, the great poet Rabindranath Tagore, to emphasise the unity of Bengal, suggested the programme of

A. singing Bande Mataram

B. tying of Rakhi on each other’s wrists

C. composing of patriotic songs

D. establishing national educational institutions


Ans:- B

20 .Who gave the title or “Mahamana” to Madan Mohan Malviya?

A. Dada Bhai Naoroji

B. Gopal Krishna Gokhale

C. Rabindra Nath Tagore

D. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Ans:- C

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