Genders issue on social construction


    Now a days gender inequality is a big problem. As women are not given equal opportunities compared to men in our society. They were considered inadequate and are often compared with the strength of men. This issue arose from our cultural and historical backgrounds. This issue has now become the biggest problem in our society.


     Gender refers to the social distinction between boys and girls that was created by society rather biologically determined.

 Difference between gender and sex:-

             Sex is the biological difference between male and female.
           Gender refers to the role of male and female to the society .

    Evolution of gender  as a social construct:

          There are two category of gender ,male and female . We can identify the gender category by the way he/she dress, talk, eat, walk, etc.
The roles of women should be decided by our society. According to our society, the women are considered submissive, reserved and well-behaved while men are considered to be strong.

Practices related to Gender inequality:

Following are the practices related to gender equality:

Gender roles: These are the roles for men and women created by society on the basis of particular norms and standards.

Gender socialization: Socialization of the child begins from birth. It is the tendency to socialize males differently over females.

Gender stereotypes:  Gender stereotypes are the obstacles that fall in the path of gender equality. It is the preconception of the society which values a male over a female.

Gender discrimination: Gender discrimination is based upon gender as well as upon the conditions that encourage stereotypes of gender roles.

Occupational sexism: These are the various discriminatory practices based upon the gender roles takes place in the workplace where both men and women work.

Gender biases in the existing curriculum:

Following are the gender biases existed in the curriculum:

Gender biases in the classroom: This is the bias that occurs within the classroom by the teachers. When teacher expect that boys are noisy or wild while girls are expected to be quiet, polite, studious and having better social skills than the boy.

Children with not matching the stereotype roles suffer: Children who do not match the role of feminine and masculine due to the impact of strong gender role stereotypes of the society faces the problem with the teachers and peers.

Impact of Gender Bias: Students have a strong impact of gender bias on learning. Generally, girls believe that if they got any success it is due to their hard work not with due to their innate talents or intelligence while boys believe that they are accurate in mathematics or science it is due to their gender.

Teachers expectation: Teachers expectation from girls in today's society is generally low compared to boys.

Discrimination against girls in the class: Girls receive generally very few comments and criticism from teachers as compared to boys. Teachers ask simple questions from girls than boys. This discrimination can be easily seen in class.

Education as a means for reducing gender bias in the classroom:

Education is one of the most important means of reducing gender bias in the classroom.  A teacher helps a lot in reducing gender bias within the school by:
1. The teacher should improve their own behaviour toward students. They should provide equal opportunities in the classroom related to asking questions, responding properly in the class.
2. The teacher may involve students in discussing gender issues and engage students in solving gender-related problems.
3. The teacher should assign equal responsibilities to all the children in various activities which takes place inside the classroom environment.
4. The teacher is the only person in the class which helps children to develop good habits in the children. The teacher should develop in the student habit of respecting each other’s gender.
5. A teacher should make the arrangement for various programs related to the girl’s upliftment and empowerment of girls.

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