Learning and development


Development is a process that includes growth, maturation, and learning. Its general psychological sense refers to certain changes that occur in human beings or animals between conception and death. It is a change where a person develops and changes from dependency to autonomy. These changes appear in orderly ways and relatively permanent in nature. Development refers to both quantitative as well as qualitative changes. It includes changes not only in structure but also in function. Development can only be assessed.

According to E.Hurlock:-“Development is not limited to the growing layer. Instead, it consists of a progressive series of changes towards the goal of maturity”. Due to development, new abilities grown in a man.
According to Heinz Werner:- “Development consists of two processes integration and differentiation”.
According to JE Anderson:- “Development is concerned with growth as well as those changes in behaviour which results from environmental situations”.
According to Jersild, Telford, and Sawrey: - “Development refers to the complex set of the process involved in the emergence of a mature functioning organism from fertilized ovum”.

Growth:- it  is defined as the physical increase in the size of the body. Increase in weight, height and an internal organ. It takes place in the physical aspect only. It refers to a quantitative change. It can be measured.
Highlights of Development:
Following are some characteristics of development
Development is an orderly process to follow a certain sequence.
         Infancy→Early childhood→Later childhood→Adolescence →Maturity
Development refers to both quantitative as well as qualitative changes.
It is possible to predict the rate of development by seeing a slow learner and a superior child, but it cannot be predicted accurately.
Growth can be defined as one part of development, whereas, development is associated with an overall change in a person’s growth
Development can occur without growth.
People develop at different rates. Individual differences are caused by differences in heredity, endowments, and environmental influences.
Stage of Human Development:-

Prenatal Period:- Until the birth
Infancy:- Birth to Two weeks
Babyhood:- Two weeks to Two years
Childhood:- Two years to Ten or Twelve years
a) Early childhood:- Two years to six years
b) Later childhood:- Six years to Twelve years
Pre-Adolescence:- Eleven years to Thirteen years (Girls), Twelve years to Fourteen years (Boys)
Adolescence:- Thirteen years to Seventeen years
Later Adolescence:- Seventeen years to Nineteen or Twenty years
Adulthood:- Twenty-one years to Forty years
Middle Age:- Forty to Sixty years
Old Age:- Sixty onward
Following Three main stages for a child’s overall development and education:
1. Early childhood
2. Later childhood
3. Adolescence

Early childhood:- In this stage children like to do work independently. They don’t like anyone to intervene in their work. They spend a lot of time playing with toys. Children show disobedience, aggression and antagonistic behaviour at this stage. It is a sensitive period of language development. At this stage children are ready to school, learn to identify the member of the family and gets involved in his surroundings. Children are very curious at this stage; they love to experiment with the things.
Later childhood:- This stage is known by many names such as the elementary stage, the troublesome stage, and the latency stage. During this stage, children learn the value of their societies. This stage is very significant in the development process. Children engage themselves with academic activities. They start making friends, Best friends are important at this stage. Whatever they learn and experience at this stage, greatly influence their later life, academically and otherwise. They develop their creative potential at this stage.
Adolescence:-This stage is also known by stage of “stress and storm”. Children face many social, biological and personal changes during this stage. These changes make adolescence a difficult period to manage so this is the most critical stage of development in a person’s life. In this stage, the hormonal influences play a leading role in order to attain sexual maturity.
Topical areas in child development:-
Human development can be divided into the following domains
Physical Domain
Cognitive Domain
Social and Emotional Domain
Moral Domain
Language Domain
Personal Domain
Physical Domain:- This domain is related to the development of one’s physical aspects. It is associated with quantitative changes that occur in the body. This development is also called maturation.
Physical Domain includes:-
Gross motor development:- Example-legs and arms.
Fine motor development:- Example-hands and fingers
Sensory-motor development:- Example-vision, touch, and smell
Cephalo-caudal development:- where development takes place from head to toe. According to this development the child first gains control of the head, then the arm, then the leg.
Proximo-distal development:-where development starts in the centre then move to the periphery. Accordingly, the spinal cord develops before other parts of the body.
Cognitive Domain:-This domain is related to the development of one’s intelligence. the ability to think, reason and analyze is known as cognition and development of these abilities is known as cognitive development. Jean Piaget was a significant influence in this domain because of his theory of cognitive development.
Social and Emotional Domain:- According to Hurlock, “Social development means the acquisition of the ability to have in accordance with social exceptions”.This domain is indicators of social development among children. Children develop social skills like sharing, cooperation, patience in their interaction with peers and others. Emotional Domain refers to an ability to control and manage one’s emotions. Emotional development can also be understood as social development as it develops with reference to social life.
Moral Domain:- In this domain children develop moral ideas, character, right attitudes and behaviour towards other people in society. Children cannot make moral judgments until they achieve a certain level of cognitive maturity.
According to Piaget, the child is someone who constructs his own moral worldview and forms ideas about right and wrong. He believed that children made a moral judgment based on their own observations of the world.

Kohlberg divided moral development into three levels.
Language Domain: Language is an important way of communication. In this domain, communication uses words and symbols to express thoughts, feelings, and desires.
Personal Domain:- All individuals have a different way of development. Under this Domain, we explore how individual personality changes.
Factors Influencing growth and development:-
Following are some important factors that influencing growth and development.
Early stimulation
Child-rearing practice
Learning:-According to crow and crow, “the learning involves the acquisition of habits, knowledge, and attitudes”.
According to EL Thorndike, “Learning is a gradual process where the individual will make many attempts to learn”.
The relation between learning and development:
It is important to understand the relationship between development and learning.
Some believe that learning leads to development whereas others contend that development leads learning (Piaget).
Learning awakens the developmental processes through social interactions with peers and teachers in such a way that it would not occur if the child were in isolation.
A safe environment is essential for development and learning. Children need to feel free to express themselves. It is the responsibility of the school, home and community to provide a safe and secure environment for children. This helps in learning and developing his mental and behavioural abilities to adjust or survive in his life.
Early development is very crucial for further development and learning.
The kind of experience a child goes through in the early stages has a profound influence on his or her later life. Irrespective of whether the experience is good or bad, childhood happenings influence both learning and development.


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