Children with special needs (cwsn,)

Children with special needs

First  of all let's get the insights about the type of disability and what actions are needful.
Types of disability and education of the special child.

 1. Visual impairment –

American foundation has defined visual impairment as follows
Blind - Child who has sight adjustment capacity of 20/200 Snellen
Low vision – a child who has sight adjustment capacity of 20/70 Snellen to 20/200 Snellen
Education for visually impaired
Make sure to give them a front seat in the classroom
The classroom should have proper arrangements of lights
Fonts of the book must be bold and dark for the low vision students
A magnifying glass can be provided to the students
Brail should be used to teach blind students

2. Hearing impairment -

Hearing impairment leads to loss of normal verbal communication. Due to distortion of sounds, differentiation of environmental sounds, including speech, is difficult; making sounds louder does not improve the clarity or quality of sound. Impairment is the most powerful instrument is of two types -
A. Completely deaf – these student’s hearing loss level is 90 decibels or more such children can not hear anything without using hearing aids
B. partial hearing loss- The most common type of hearing loss is known as sensorineural hearing loss. It is a permanent hearing loss that occurs when there is damage to either the tiny hair-like cells of the inner ear or the auditory nerve itself, which prevents or weakens the transfer of nerve signals to the brain. These blocked nerve signals carry information about the loudness and clarity of sounds.
Education for hearing impaired

hearing aids are designed to simplify the process of listening aids must be available for the child
we must teach them using sign language
drawl so that child could do the lip reading
various Body movements can be done to communicate with the child
audio-visual material can be used

3. Mental retardation -

A distinctive feature of human is the intellectual ability when his intellectual powers are not functioning normally, then the situation is called mental retardation intellectuality is measured as the IQ(intelligent quotient) level

Children's education -
severely mentally retarded children are taught The daily activities toilet, brushing, combing, dress, etc.
social skills also must be there, we should teach them how to shake the hand, greeting elders and celebration of festivals
leisure time activities such as listening to music, playing games, reading books, watching TV and collection of coins can be taught
They are also taught mathematical skills such as counting, adding, subtraction etc.
we should use completely different teaching methods to teach the special child as compared to the normal child

4. Loco motor disability -

Disability of the bones, joint or muscles leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or a usual form of cerebral palsy. Some common conditions giving raise to loco motor disability could be poliomyelitis, cerebral palsy, amputation, injuries of the spine, head, soft tissues, fractures, muscular dystrophies etc.
types of locomotor disability
1. Neuro- logical damage
2. Muscle and bone-related damage
3. A congenital malformation - The damage caused by a general lack, drug and toxin effects, medicine, etc.
Children's education -
They should be in regular classes with a normal child
Various accessories for these kids are very helpful as wheelchairs
The teacher also should pay attention to developing social, emotional and physical skills
They must be trained for motor skills

5. Learning disability -

A condition giving rise to learning difficulties, especially when not associated with a physical disability. learning disabilities include the following:
Difficulty with reading and/or writing
Problems with math skills
Difficulty remembering
Problems paying attention
Trouble following directions
Poor coordination
Difficulty with concepts related to time
Problems staying organized

The type of learning disability –

Dyspraxia- The inability to motor plan, to make an appropriate body response.
Dysgraphia- Difficulty with the act of writing both in the technical as well as the expressive sense. There may also be a difficulty with spelling.
Dyscalculia- Difficulty with calculations.
Dyslexia - a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that does not affect general intelligence.
Children's education -
They must be provided resource room
They require consultant
They use to teach a child to another child (group teaching)

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